
Adjacent to the State Police Academy in Hershey
The Phase I facility was erected and served as an interim operations
It included our offices, a Mini Museum, gift shop and area for programs until the funding for
Phase Two is acquired.
"Site of future State Police Historical,
Educational, and Memorial Center"

10.38 acres of land adjacent to the State Police Academy
Our Ceremonial Groundbreaking took place on
March 22, 2005, on the HEMC land atop "The Hill", just behind the State Police
Almost the entire Board of Directors was present, HEMC Staff, as well as numerous dignitaries
and some of our favorite supporters and the Media.

Photo: from left: HEMC Board members
Dave Bowser, Frank O'Rourke, Earl Hoffman,
Ed Catalone, and Bill Regan, State Police
Commissioner Jeff Miller, Board members
Kirk Trate, Matt Hunt, and Joe Stabler, second
from right is Congressman Tim Holden, and at far
right, Board member Art Cronin.
There has been slow progress with regards to
large-scale funding for the building project.
Much of what goes on behind the scenes is non-apparent. Site and building plans
will continue to undergo changes before
finalization, but the Derry Twp. Board of
Supervisors approved the site development
plans and preliminary building designs, which
were set out with the best possible use.
As soon as we have a definite date for ground
breaking for the 32,000+ sq. ft. center, we will
announce it here and in the local newspapers.
The media in the Hershey area and throughout Pennsylvania has been very supportive and
encouraging to us. We appreciate their fair an
unbiased coverage.
When the site plan appeared in a past issue of
the Communicator, and, every time it appears
in a newspaper, it stirs a lot of discussion!
The land is situated at the top of "the Hill" off
the back drive.
Many Troopers recall running UP that steep
incline, and when the Center is built, the Cadets will have something to inspire them to reach
the crest.
The view at the site of the surrounding country-
side is outstanding.
Through the efforts of the Board the zoning for
the parcel of land was officially changed to an Economic Opportunity zone, which will allow for
the best use of the land.
The mission of PSP-HEMC to erect a state police
center will eventually be fulfilled. Museums and
historical centers take time. The National
Constitution Museum, for example, took 25 yrs.
of struggle for solidity and solvency before it
became what it is today.
The initial Phase I structure housed a combination of
display area, office, gift shop,
and storage. Phase II is now completed and consists of a modern learning and
educational facility, as well as a display for additional artifacts of the history of the Pennsylvania
State Police. This expansion increases the existing facility by 350 percent.
The addition also includes a donor-funded chapel, more exhibit area, a vehicle display,
and a multi-purpose room for senior citizen education and public use for meeting space rental.
If you have been holding off on pledging your
financial support or offering a large contribution,
now is the very best time to take action and be
a part of the move to complete the museum.
Your contributions at this time will be timely and
of great value in helping the project move
smoothly forward.
With the continued support of individual State
Troopers, retired and active, and the
Pennsylvania State Troopers Association,
(which was instrumental in helping get HEMC
off to a good start when it was established as
a 501-c-3, back in 1997), plus interested and committed Pennsylvanians and forward-thinking
legislators, the Center will be
funded in part directly by Troopers and in part
by money earmarked by Pennsylvanians
specifically for a useful and worthy project of
this nature.
The Building Committee, under the guidance of
Committee Chair Dave Bowser, will continue to
evaluate and fine tune the Center design, to take into consideration the unusual slope of the
land and the aesthetics, as the Center will be visible for miles around.
This project, is being erected in stages. So far, over 1,900 Granite
Brick reservations have been received for the Granite Brick wall! There's still time to get
in. We will accept brick reservations until the final building plan is submitted.

The building will most likely be erected in modular fashion, as funding
is acquired.
As shown above, the three "wings" planned will each radiate off the central
entrance. Each wing will address a different aspect of Pennsylvania State Police History.
Ample parking space for cars, buses and handicapped has been
allocated. The way the parking areas have been designed will make them less visible from the
road, allowing the building itself to stand out. A fun day filled with education and memories will be
enjoyed by all who visit. Retirees and active Troopers will enjoy trading tales of their escapades!
The Building Committee will continue to evaluate space allocation for
each of the displays in the museum and learning center; the number of parking spaces for buses and
cars, square footage for each wing, room for future growth, for the gift shop, and so
on. Displays will be carefully planned according to the museum story line, which is also under
development at this time. The result: our PSP facility should be equal or superior to any other State
Police Museum and many other museums nationwide. |
Read next column...Click here!
Column 3 Artifacts and Memorabilia Collection
Many people have indicated a desire to view the impressive and
growing collection of historically important PSP Memorabilia and records, and when the Center is
built, and these items are placed on display once more, they shall!
A small number of items were on display in 30 x 40 foot room during the Centennial
Celebration events held at the Hershey Lodge and Convention Center.
Right now, thousands of artifacts and memorabilia items and records
(especially if you count all the loose state police uniform buttons!) are safely stored in a secure
area, awaiting a permanent home at the Center.
As items are removed from service by the State Police, PSP-HEMC receives more. Artifacts
Committee Chairman Maj. Robert Einsel,(retired) reports that the present storage area, which was much
larger than the first, is again filled to capacity.
We receive new items for the collection every few weeks. That’s why it continues to be
critical to get this Museum and Educational Center built and open to the public.
Wall of Honor
For Active and retired Pennsylvania State Police Personnel: Over
1,900 Bricks have already been reserved. This number continues to climb upward brick by brick.
There is still time to reserve bricks
in the Black Granite Wall of Honor: A chance in a lifetime to be part of something perpetual, of
lasting historical importance, and strong visual impact.
There is still time to reserve your place in history. The Wall of Honor is going to be
something of which you can be proud!
To be included in this historic monument, you MUST be an active or
retired State Police Trooper or Civilian employee of the State Police. Don't miss the opportunity to
stake your claim for a spot in the "State Police Hall of Fame". Don't delay - because
the price is right for a lifetime of remembrance, recognition, and honor.)
Black granite bricks are on display in the HEMC office. Each hefty
brick is beautiful in itself, so imagine how impressive they will be when gathered together into a
large mass.
The bricks may be purchased by family members and friends of any living or deceased Pa State
Police Trooper or civilian employee.
The bricks will be randomly placed in the Wall, and they will not include rank. If you have
specific questions about why your bricks cannot be set into the wall selectively, or why rank is not
included, call the office and we will be glad to explain the decision for "Random vs.
Selective Brick Placement".
Operations continue to be funded by Sales proceeds of Pennsylvania State
Police memorabilia and collectibles, and other fundraisers such as our Annual Golf Tournaments.
Expenditures include PR, offices, accounting, architects, engineers, surveyors, zoning change
applications, review by the Township supervisors, the services of attorneys and accountants; and
expenditures for the Artifacts Committee, including the acquisition of and Restoration of the State
Police 1972 Plymouth Fury cruiser. The public has been delighted with the end result of that
long restoration project. (See more
on restoration)
The HEMC also purchased a 1973 Plymouth Fury, the "Tijuana Taxi Cab" was also
The Museum
There will eventually be another Wall possibly moved over to the museum. It is currently in
place at the Academy. This Call of Honor Wall memorializes those who gave their lives in the
line of duty.
There are fountain and garden areas planned for the exterior of the State Police Center, and
one notable feature on the plans near the Memorial Wing calls for a Reflecting Pool, which should be a
restful area, serene, contemplative, and beautiful!
The mission and goal is to establish the Pennsylvania State Police Center directly adjacent to
the Pennsylvania State Police Academy, centrally located in Hershey, PA.
Construction on Phase II was completed funds are acquired, until all phases are
completed. The Pennsylvania State Police Historical, Educational and Memorial Center
will serve three distinct purposes:
Historical: It will collect,
preserve and exhibit significant historical artifacts and focal points appropriate to the history of
the PA State Police.
Educational: It will serve as an educational facility highlighting
the diverse functions of the Department from its inception in 1905 to the present day, and provide
opportunities for education.
Memorial: It will serve as a
Memorial to all State Police employees, past and present, particularly those brave Troopers who made
the ultimate sacrifice while serving our citizens and upholding the law and proud traditions of the
Visit our website Wall of Honor
Visitors will someday be permitted to enter an austere Library and
Archives to do research on the State Police or find out more about those who served through
Pennsylvania's history. There will be Oral Histories from State Police personnel to enliven
the experience.
HEMC gets calls and e-mails more often now from people hoping to find
answers to research questions for books, family histories, school projects, etc. Among them:
relatives of State Policemen and women, book authors, antique collectors and dealers, students hunting
for information for research and school papers, genealogists, and so on. At times we cannot do
anything other than refer these requests to the Public Information Officer at PSP Departmental
In time, the HEMC Library and Archives will allow visitors to tap into a vast source of records and
memorabilia to provide vital information. The Artifacts Committee will play an increasingly
vital role as they continue to catalog the entire collection, and have it inputted into Past Perfect
museum software. Visitors to the Historical wing of the Pa State Police Center will be able to
experience interactive displays firsthand while viewing the collection of PSP Artifacts Memorabilia;
thousands of vintage photographs, uniforms, weapons, and many other items that will surprise and
For example, the collection includes the original balls from the
"666" lottery scam! A Rodeo Clown car! A 1962 Harley Davidson Duo-Glide FLH
Panhead Police Special Motorcycle! A 1972 Plymouth Fury patrol car which has been restored to
original new car glory. Uniforms, weapons, thousands of photographs, and much, much more!
A group of dedicated volunteers did a great restoration job on the
PSP-HEMC Plymouth.
The restoration is 100% completed and received attention in several national publications, such
as Mopar magazine. Local news agencies featured the car in several issues.
The Restoration Committee continues to receive numerous invitations for the car to be showcased
in local and regional Auto Shows. Whenever possible, these requests were previously honored.
However, the Board recently voted to maintain the vehicle as a static museum display to protect it
from damage.
The PSP Center is for everyone who lives in and visits Pennsylvania. It is all about
Pennsylvania's State Troopers, everyone who ever worked for and with them, loves them because they are
related, or is grateful they were there in times of trouble. Active, retired, past, present and
future, this Center will be showcasing important Pennsylvania history for all Pennsylvanians,
everywhere, into the future and beyond.
Explore our special member
benefits at our Membership Guide Level.
Sign up Today! |
Note: Calls about contributions
toward operations, and concerning donations of items people would like to see included in displays
in the Museum portion of the Center can be directed to the HEMC office at 1-717-534-0565. We ask
those who wish to donate or contribute memorabilia to the H.E.M.C., to send or hand deliver it to the
H.E.M.C. offices at 187 East Hershey Park Drive, Hershey, Pa 17033 only. Please ask for an itemized
receipt called a Deed of Gift, for your contributions.
Please do not send or submit items for the State Police Center to individuals who claim to be from the
H.E.M.C. You can call the office at 1-717-534-0565 to check on who is authorized to accept items on
behalf of the museum portion of the Center.