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Committee Members

PSP-HEMC - The Pennsylvania State Police Museum
Committees, Chairs, Members and Key Responsibilities




Building Committee

Dave Bowser, Chair

Board President (Robert Einsel)

Earl Hoffman

Ed Catalone

Dean Hooper

Shall develop the plans and manage facility construction.
  Shall oversee the operation, maintenance, repair and use of the Museum.


Collections & Education Committee



Tom Memmi, Chair

Bob Einsel

Rodger Davidson


Shall establish policies and be responsible for the collection, cataloging, preservation, storage and interpretation of artifacts relative to the history of the PA State Police.
Shall convey an understanding The Pennsylvania
State Police Museum is committed to education about the history of the PSP.
Shall establish a central repository for the sharing of historical information. ****


Finance Committee

Earl Hoffman, Chair

Dave Bowser

Ed Catalone,


Shall oversee the investments and assets of PSP-HEMC including saleable inventories and make appropriate recommendations to the Board.
  Shall set policies and procedures that ensure the dual control of cash.
Shall manage working capital, determine appropriate access of cash from cash flow, line-of-credit or cash reserves.
Shall periodically review all financial transactions, periodically audit the books.
Shall recommend means for fund raising to the Board of Directors.


Matt Hunt,  Chair


Tom Taylor


Shall plan and implements the organization's fundraising program with professional staff.
Shall lead the Board's participation in resource development and fundraising.
Shall familiarize board members with fundraising skills.
Shall identify income opportunities and sources such as grants, bequests, gifts, and special events


Grants & Budget Committee

Ernie Spittler, Chair

Dean Hooper


Shall create an annual budget obtaining input from the various committees and monitor monthly, the budget vs, actual performance,  including variations in top line income, costs and net profits, reporting same to the Board
Shall identify cash flow needs & trends and report same to the board and appropriate committees


Historic Vehicles Committee

Bill Regan, Chair

Ed Catalone

Earl Hoffman
Office Personnel

Shall establish policies for the insuring, use and drivers of historic vehicles
Shall oversee the maintenance and care of historic vehicles
Shall properly address those occurrences whereby a vehicle is taken off premises for service, for Museum promotions, or in response to other external requests. ***


Human Resources

Kirk Trate, Chair

Ed Catalone


Shall conduct the search, interview and oversee the selection of personnel.
Shall conduct periodic performance and compensation for each employee.
Shall deal with personnel issues such as performance, complaints, compliance, etc.
Shall establish a climate that provides a strategic and coherent approach to the management of an organization's most valued assets - the people working there who individually and collectively contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the organization.
Shall create an environment that includes assessment on how the organization treats and nourishes the development of volunteers, board members, and its employees. *


Membership Committee

Kirk Trate, Chair

Tom Taylor


Shall recommend policies, procedures, and strategies for enhancing the membership in the Museum both numerically and qualitatively and recommend initiatives to assure a growing and vital membership organization.  Examples:
1. Solicit people  who signed the petition to have 7.5 million released to the museum
2. Solicit people you signed the guest book
3.  Solicit people who purchase items from the gift shop on line.
Shall survey the current interests and concerns of the membership, encourages participation in Museum’s activities and programs.
  Shall conduct events that recognize, celebrate and encourage member participation
Shall solicit new members among individuals and organizations, and encourage participation by all members in the activities of the Museum. **
Shall contact those members who failed to renew their membership and attempt to have them renew it.


Planning Committee

Dean Hooper, Chair

Ernie Spittler

Board President
(Bill Regan)

Shall provide Strategic Planning direction; i.e. museum’s vision going forward, and periodically publish a Strategic Plan to promote the Museum and access contributions, grants, gifts and participation
Shall provide and update the Annual Business Plan.
Shall publish a Annual Report each year that can be used to promote the Museum and access contributions, grants, gifts and participation.


Sales & Marketing Committee

Ed Catalone, Chair

Dean Hooper


Bob Einsel

Rodger Davidson


Shall establish the policies and be responsible for the sale, distribution and development of memorabilia and other items for sale to members of the PA State Police and the public.
Shall monitor inventory status such that orders can be efficiently fulfilled, excess inventory is avoided, and when present, a strategy exists to alleviate the excess condition.  Shall view inventory as an investment, where tooling and setup are properly amortized to reflect the true profit of new product decisions.
Shall conduct a decision-making process that applies corporate marketing principles to nonprofit actions so that more of its mission is achieved.
Shall identify where the organization’s mission overlaps with the desire of those who must take action to achieve it, and builds strategies, programs and messages up from the overlap. Shall ensure the Board and the staff work as a team to achieve these goals. *


Brick Committee

Dean Hooper, Bill Regan, Ernie Spittler and Dave Bowser.
Committee formed at the November 2013      board meeting.


Last Updated: July 2015

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