Codicil of Will

I ________________________________ , of_____________________________________

Pennsylvania, declare this to be a codicil to my will dated _____________ and to any and
all previous codicils. 

(1)  I hereby add the following bequest of _____________________________________

__________________________________________ to the Pennsylvania State Police Historical,
Educational & Memorial Center, 501(c)(3) organization located in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

  (2)  I would like this bequest to be accepted in the name of ____________茁_________.

(3)  In all other respects, I do hereby ratify and confirm my will dated ____________

and all previous codicils.

(4)  I would like the following comments to accompany by bequest to the Historical,

Educational and Memorial Center: _________________________________________________

Signed by ___________茁_______________, the testator, as and for a codicil to his/her

will dated  ____________ and any previous codicils to this will, in the presence of
________________________________________________ who, at his request, in his presence,
have signed our names as witnesses.

____________________________    ________

Testator                                               Date

        ______________________________    ________

                                                       Witness                                                   Date

                                                           ______________________________    ________

                                                       Witness                                                   Date

Two originals of this document should be executed. One shall be maintained by
PSP-HEMC.  Please mail to:  187 Police Academy Drive, Hershey, PA 17033

Thank you in advance for your generous and thoughtful donation.  All Donations will contribute to the goals and objectives of the Pennsylvania State Police Historical, Educational and Memorial Center.